Blue sky hangs like a tapestry over a garden where Papa and I play. Smiley sun warms my cheeks. Darting breeze brushes the tip of my nose, and I tell Papa that I wish to stay in Wisconsin forever.
He laughs and says a place can be made timeless by trading two pictures, one you give and one you take. Even at 3 yrs-old I already know Papa has traded many pictures.
Naturally I hope to give and take even more pictures than anyone before, and trade one with the state that very moment, so I might visit it anytime that I want.
““We visit where we were,” Papa points to the land then lays that hand over his heart, “to better know where we are.””
He sounds surprised as he says this, so I look to his face. Maybe he’s forgotten this particular picture until teaching how I could trade my own. I guess that makes Wisconsin one timeless place we share.